About us

About us

Our Team

Team consists of experts by Muslim Coalition of ISAIAH, community volunteers and other grassroot leaders.

Our Target

This initiative focuses on engaging and supporting Muslim East African communities throughout Minnesota, with the goal of sharing valuable strategies and insights, contributing to a nationwide network of similar groups.

Our Objectives

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Leadership Skills

We cultivate leadership skills within Minnesota's East African Muslim community through targeted programs and initiatives.

Public Education

Our focus on public education within the community helps in empowerment, awareness, and critical issues that impact this low-income demographic.

East African Muslim Community

We advocate for various issues affecting the East African Muslim community, particularly those related to their socio-economic well-being.

Faith-Based Organizations

Our collaborations with faith-based organizations to advocate for multi-racial unity are crucial to combat discrimination.

Democratic Rights

We prioritize community education on democratic rights, ensuring individuals are informed about their rights.

Tools & Knowledge

We empower the community by providing the tools and knowledge to effectively exercise their voice and agency in local government and at the state capital.

Social Equity

Our work towards social equity by addressing disparities anEvaluate the influence on comprehension and application of democratic rights.